When planning a wedding, expenses can add up very quickly. Setting a wedding budget is a good idea to keep your finances on track. You want your day to be memorable, but not still be paying for it on your 10th year anniversary. This article will give you some great advice for budgeting your wedding expenses.
Make sure that at your wedding, there are enough refreshments for all of your guests. During the night, there will be a lot of dancing and conversing, which can lead to dehydration. Prepare accordingly by having a lot of quality water and soda in many different locations at your wedding.
When serving food at your wedding, the style that the food is served can vary the price. For a formal dining setting, it will be high price. If you go with a buffet style, you can save money, and allow your guests the options of picking what they want and how much they want.
For an outdoor wedding, try to place your guests away from staring into the sun. The sun should be on your guests’ backs so that they are not blinded while trying to watch you take your vows. You can also try planning your wedding where the sun will benefit you, by providing a beautiful sunset behind where you and the groom will be standing.
To document your wedding day the best that you can, make sure that you have a large guest book. This will allow people to write what they are feeling and jot down some of the memories that they had with you. This can be a memorable keepsake for the rest of your life.
Wedding Vows
Spend as much time as you need when writing your wedding vows. Remember you want your soon-to-be spouse to know how much they mean to you. Also, try not to use outside sources when writing your vows–you want to make sure the words are what you feel, not what someone does.
Take your time when writing vows, and spend as much time as you need to write something meaningful. Understand that marriage is a very strong commitment that requires the both of you to make sacrifices. Your vows should fully capture your feelings and dedication to your partner.
Try writing your own vows for your wedding. You may get inspiration from a number of sources; however, you know your betrothed in your heart. Writing your vows will make your future spouse feel more special and will make your wedding more meaningful and romantic. Use some inspiration from elsewhere, but write them from the heart.
If you plan to write your own wedding vows, start writing early. These are the vows you will speak to the person you love. You want them to be perfect, and getting them that way takes time. Give yourself a couple of months. Write down ideas first, and then the vows themselves. The results will be heartfelt and perfect.
As stated at the beginning of the article, wedding expenses can add up very quickly. Setting a budget can avoid going into debt on your big day Hopefully, this article has given you some great ideas for budgeting your wedding expenses, so your big day can be everything you always dreamed of.